"Box Tops for Education®, the nation's largest school fundraising program, recently announced that it has earned more than half-a-billion dollars for schools across the country since it started in 1996.The General Mills program began as an experiment on boxes of Cheerios in California with first year earnings of only $1 million. It has grown to include more than 240 participating brands providing needed cash for 90,000 enrolled K-8 schools. At the heart of the program is more than 75,000 volunteer Box Tops for Education coordinators who motivate local school communities to collect the 10-cent coupons which are redeemed for cash schools use for whatever they need most.
To celebrate this milestone, this winter, the program is offering a variety of bonus Box Tops on more than 50 million packages at grocery stores and at btfe.com, allowing shoppers to double their earnings with select products.
On average, schools in the U.S. earn around $900 annually through the program, but many schools earn more than $20,000 by clipping Box Tops, participating in bonus programs and shopping 300 online eBoxTops® retailers at the Box Tops Marketplace®."
And in celebration of this huge milestone for Box Tops for Education, it's brand partners, and the schools, we are giving away a Pantry StockUp gift pack that features a small sampling of participating products!
The Pantry Stock Up gift pack includes:
New Peanut Butter Toast Crunch® cereal
Nature Valley® Chewy Trail Mix Dark Chocolate Cherry and Protein Salted Caramel
Fiber One® Protein Bars
Progresso® Recipe Starters
Food Should Taste Good® Chips
Green Giant Fresh® Box Tops for Education pencil pouch
Hamburger Helper® Sweet & Sour Chicken and Parmesan Crusted Chicken
Betty Crocker® Mac & Cheese and Au Gratin potatoes
Kleenex® wallet pack and 184 count box
Scott® toilet paper (4 roll) and paper towel roll
Avery® dry erase weekly calendar
Ziploc® bowls and bags
Yoplait® Frozen Yogurt free product coupon
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: Information, products and promotional items have been provided to me by General Mills and Box Tops for Education and its program partners. I received a StockUp gift pack for use in this giveaway as well as one for myself.
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