27 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Video Game Safety: Tips on Keeping the Kids Safe

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 #DigitalJoneses #TrendMicro

With the kids all on summer break from school,  I have definitely noticed an increase in their time spent video and online gaming.  I should clarify that I'm not allowing them to be lazy blobs on my couch all day.  The reality is, my kids are extremely active in sports and other activities.  In fact, it's because the kids are coming home so physically exhausted from practices, training sessions, and sports camps that our gaming consoles are getting a large amount of recent use.  It's our older kids "go to" activity when they arrive home physically exhausted.  And with that in mind, June's Digital Joneses challenge on Video Game Safety was a well timed reminder for this Mommy of 5.  

Here are half a dozen tips I picked up from Trend Micro that I wanted to pass along:

Take an Interest

Trend Micro's first tip in keeping the kids safe while gaming is in my opinion the most important one, parents must stay involved.  And I confess that I've also found this piece of advice, while wise, to be quite difficult for me to fully accomplish due to our family's structure and dynamics.

While one of the easiest ways to stay involved in the kids gaming can be to keep the gaming system in a common area of the home, unfortunately this concept can't be done in our household.  I'd love to have the gaming system centrally located so I can see and hear what the kids are playing and perhaps even jump in and play along.  However, keeping our PS3 full time in the family room would expose our 4 year old twin boys to the games my 17 year old son is playing and that's not an acceptable scenario.  To further complicate staying involved in my oldest son's gaming, is our schedules.  With it being summer our son often has just begun his play as hubby and I are heading off to bed.

So how do I stay involved in terms of our oldest kids?  I find they do like to talk about what's going on in their games and that desire to share their accomplishments with someone who will listen (coupled with implementing some basic rules and safeguards) works for us.  By simply taking an interest in their favorite games, I've found myself able to keep up fairly well on how long they played and with whom.

Utilize the Ratings

Just like movies, video games have their own ratings assigned by The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB.org).  The ratings are "EC" Early Childhood, "E" for Everyone, "E10+" for Everyone 10 +,  "T" for Teen, "M" for Mature, and "AO" for Adults Only.  Trend Micro pointed out to us Digital Joneses that while these ratings are good guidelines, parents should still preview content before allowing their child to play it and I'd agree that is essential.  Guidelines work great in terms of generally weeding games out, but I agree that only I really know what will or won't work for my child.  The rating board has no way of knowing that my child is petrified of spiders or jellyfish, so ultimately I have to decide what game would be best for what child.   With my 4 year old twin boys just starting to game, I found it handy to put my 11 and 13 year old to work helping me preview potential first options.

Additionally, don't forget to check your favorite parenting and mom blogs for what their thought was on a new game or app released.  While I personally don't have too many video game reviews, I do have posts on many of favorite kid apps.

Set the Parental Controls

I polled several of my friends and absolutely none of them knew, including me, that gaming consoles like Playstation 3, Xbox, and etc had parent control settings!  When did that happen?  Did you guys all know this?  Sure enough, I checked my Playstation 3 (after reading the provided tips) and it will allow me to set what game rating levels can be played, what movie rating levels can be played, restrict web browsing, and more.  How did I miss that memo?  In case you need help here is Playstation 3 Parental Control instructions and Xbox360 parent controls, as well as Nintendo Wii Instructions.  And while I'm on the subject, I should mention that portable devices like the Kindle Fire and iPad also offer parent control settings I've found to be helpful.  Additionally, watch for additional software for your gaming consoles that offer even further protection options.

Never Let Them Reveal Their Secret Identity

Trend Micro also reminded us how important it is to discuss privacy with your kids.  Perhaps I'm still stuck in superhero mode from my four year twins recent birthday party, but I find it best to tell my kids to look at their online presence as their public superhero name and their real info as their private secret identity.  Clark Kent never revealed he was Superman and vice versa Superman never revealed he was Clark Kent.  There is no telling what the villans would do if they provided too much information.  And whimsical analogy aside, my kids are on strict orders not to reveal details such as their name, gender, school, or home location to anyone online or off without my permission.

Watch for Bullying via Gaming Consoles

Cyberbullying and online harassment isn't limited to just the computer.  Interaction between players on many online games can also allow for these same kinds of incidents.  Trend Micro reminds that one should learn what can be done.  Options include blocking players via game settings, contacting game publishers, and even contacting local police depending on the nature of the threat involved.

Enforce Limits

I think most parents would agree that setting limits is a recurring theme in almost every aspect of parenthood.  It's my mommy mission to limit everything from snacks to sun exposure.  In terms of gaming, there are two limitations to be set, purchases and allocated game time.

Our purchase policy is simple, you can't buy anything without asking mom or dad.  This rule is in place universally, whether we are talking about a .99 app or large purchase on their own gift card.  we approve them all.

In regards to time limits, my job was done for me.  5 kids + 1 video game console = Lots of Sharing.  The kids have worked out their own system on who can play when and what exceptions are made.  I may settle a dispute here or there, but for the most part having only one game console has made it impossible for any one kid to play for too long.

Disclosure: Please note our family has received products from Trend Micro to help us examine the challenges contained within this year long study known as The Digital Joneses. However all opinions, thoughts and statements expressed here are our own.

LA Film Festival Interview: Mary Wigmore and Ina May Gaskin from 'Birth Story'

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Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives
Last week I had the chance to check out the Los Angeles Film Festival entry Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives, directed by Sara Lamm and Mary Wigmore. (Read my review here.)

I also had the chance to speak with director Mary Wigmore and Ina May Gaskin, and I wanted to share my interview here. They were both down-to-earth, funny and, like me, in total awe of the birthing process. As a bonus, I found out that Wigmore has one 4-year-old son and is pregnant with her second child. How fitting!

L.A. Story: Mary, what brought you to this film? Why now?

Mary Wigmore: I became interested in Ina May as I read her book Spiritual Midwifery when I was pregnant with my son, and I found that the book made me feel less afraid. It made childbirth seem like a great adventure and part of life, rather than something to be feared. And I feel like her books are great examples of how the power of positive stories can be so helpful for people vs. stories based in fear.

(Sara and I) were introduced to Ina May, and I felt like when I read her books and when I was pregnant, I was sort of searching out for the documentary about her and it didn't exist. And there was just this luck of meeting her, and there was no film about her, and we just decided to go to Tennessee and interview her.

L.A. Story: Were there any surprises for you while you were filming?

Mary Wigmore: We filmed two births, so it was sort of tricky going there because we live in Los Angeles. And waiting around for births, we felt like we were midwives or got a feeling of what it would be like to be on call all the time. That was surprising how every time the phone would ring, you'd sort of jump up and get ready to go. There were sleepless nights, wondering when that call would come.

The two births that we filmed were seamless and very calm. There were no complications whatsoever, so in terms of surprises that way, no. ... The big surprise is how the majority of births are uncomplicated, and through love and kindness, these women are able to have babies in a calm, sweet environment, where they feel supported, and I think that's more of a surprise to know that that can happen at the Farm and, obviously, elsewhere.

L.A. Story: Had you seen someone else give birth before filming the documentary?

Mary Wigmore: No, it was thrilling. We were nervous when we were shooting. You're one step back, and we were right there. We had a physical reaction -- I was shaking, I was excited. It was so beautiful and amazing to see.

L.A. Story: Ina May, what are some misconceptions (so to speak) about home births and midwifery?

Ina May Gaskin: Everybody likes to set it up as an opposition. Everybody should have their babies at home, or everybody should have their babies at a hospital. In an ideal system, you have the option of both of those. We're not trying to get rid of hospital births. The home birth rate is 1%, and we're arguing whether 1% can exist, when there are quite a few women that don't have long enough labors to even get to a hospital.

Women need to have the option of home birth. It makes a lot of sense if you're Amish. I mean, how are you going to harness up your horse and get your buggy ready to get to the hospital on your 10th labor? Are we going to criminalize your culture because home birth is a necessity? Or if you're one of these fast birthers? Or someone who has agoraphobia? It should be a choice. If it's not a choice, guess who does some births -- truck drivers. If you Google 'truck drivers' and 'childbirth,' you're going to find out that there are a bunch of truck drivers who carry birth kits with them.

Having home births be part of an acceptable choice means that this is the laboratory where midwives who attend home births, we learn things from women. No matter how old we are or how many births we've attended, some woman is going to come along and teach us something new. It's sad to say, but hospital guidelines have become almost like rules or laws now to where you can't bring new elements of practice in very easily that are brilliant because everything is so frozen.

(Midwifery) is a kind of laboratory for innovation and rediscovery of ancient skills. ... We don't want to become more ignorant as we go, we want to keep learning as we go.

L.A. Story: Did you ever consider getting your medical degree and becoming a doctor?

Ina May Gaskin: *laughs* No, no, no! I was actually crowned obstetrician in 1999 when I'd given a grand rounds lecture at the University of Florida at Gainesville. The head of the department there said the technique I taught him was a message from God because it had saved this baby's life. ...

He brought me over to the lectern, and he put the baseball cap on me that said OB-GYN on it. So I'll take that.

The final festival screening of Birth Story will be tonight at 7:20 p.m. at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live. Tickets are $13 and available at the door only.

'Brave' Review

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Sometimes it's better to walk into a movie without knowing exactly what it's about. The Usual Suspects is a good example of that. Brave is the kid-friendly version of that, a surprising movie -- not because it has a crazy twist at the end, but because it's one that wholly defies a genre that's been established since parent company Disney released Snow White back in 1938.

Yes, I'm talking about the so-called "princess movie," the one in which a young woman is rescued by a handsome prince ... but not before her mother is killed off in scene two (if she's lucky) or doesn't exist at all.

I have to applaud Disney*Pixar for this one -- especially Pixar, since this is its first female-led movie. The main character, a Scottish princess named Merida (voiced by Kelly Macdonald), is spunky, confident and knows what she wants -- or, rather, is confident knowing what she doesn't want.

When presented with a few (not-so-handsome) suitors, Merida decides to compete in an archery contest for her own hand -- basically for the right to decide not to decide on a mate for the near future. She's simply not ready.

This decision, of course, throws the tradition-based clans into a tizzy and incites a hurtful feud with her mother, Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson). Angry words strike their targets, and next thing you know Merida takes off into the woods on her trusty horse, Angus, to blow off steam but also to find a way to change her mother's mind.

And that's where the story really changes.

It's hard to write a review of a film when I don't want to give away its most outstanding characteristic -- its courage to be something different from what we've seen before. Sure, there have been animated films -- Disney animated films -- with strong female characters, but the story has always been somewhat the same. There's always a love story. And there is something of that here, but it's not what you think. Not at all.

I took CC to see Brave on Saturday, and she dressed up in the film's signature blue costume that my mom bought her when she was in town. It was a cute mother-daughter outing, complete with ice cream afterwards.

And if there was any movie that spotlighted the connection I have with my daughter, it was this one. I could also tell that there was an inkling of the reverse coming from CC. She couldn't stop telling me how much she loved me and how awesome I was after it was over. (And it wasn't because I bought her popcorn during the show.)

Without giving anything away, yes, there's a love story -- but it's the story of that highly charged, highly combustible, but in the end unbreakable bond between mother and daughter.

CC as Merida.

LeapFrog Explorer™ Book App Trailer - Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell's True Talent

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LeapFrog Explorer™ Book App Trailer - Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell's True Talent Video Clips. Duration : 0.68 Mins.

Learn more about LeapFrog Leapster Explorer Apps at bit.ly Join Tinker Bell and friends on adventures that help Tink realize her true talent. Bring reading to life in this eBook based on the popular Tag™ storybook! Leapster Explorer™ is the electronic handheld learning experience that encourages children to discover something new every day with endless ways to play and learn - from games, e-Books, videos, and online play to customizable learning skills and more.
Keywords: Leapster, Leapster Explorer, explorer, learning system, mobile learning system, leapfrog, leapfrog explorer, leapfrog leapster explorer, apps, learning apps, educational apps, downloadable apps, video games, learning games, educational game, educational games, video, videos, online games, mini-games, rewards, educational toy, learning toy, fairies disney fairies disney

Kingdom Hearts Part 72: Who's that Heartless?

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Kingdom Hearts Part 72: Who's that Heartless? Video Clips. Duration : 10.68 Mins.

KINGDOM HEARTS for the PS2. Created by Squaresoft (now Square Enix) and Disney, it contains the 'best' from both worlds. And Epic Story. You can purchase this game from all good game shops. Please rate, comment and enjoy. I do not own ANYTHING in this video APART from my commentary. All copyright goes to their retrospective owners, wether that be Square Enix, Nintendo or Disney. Any and all copyrighted material is used under the fair use act as i make dont intend to, or want to make any profit.
Keywords: Kingdom, Hearts, One, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Destati, Ansem, Disney, Squaresoft, Square, King, Mickey, Heartless, Two, Three, II, III, Awakening, Keyblade, Sword, Dreams, Final, Fantasy, Goofy, Donald, Minnie, Daisy, Castle, Enix, Snow, White, Destiny, Islands, Wakka, Tidus, Zeon, Traverse, Town, Leon, Yuffie, Aries, Arieth, Squall, Cid, Merlin, Fairy, God, Godmother, Queen, of, Wonderland, Alice, Hercules, Phil, Cereburus, Aladin, Jafar, Agrabah, Tarzan, Jasmine, Iago, Malificent, Winnie, the, Pooh, Monstro, Atlantica, Trident, Ursula

Let's Play Disney's Villains' Revenge 06 Worst Villains ever

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Let's Play Disney's Villains' Revenge 06 Worst Villains ever Video Clips. Duration : 14.87 Mins.

only the Witch is actually a good villain
Keywords: Disney, Disney Villians, Snow White, Peter Pan, Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland, Alice, Captain Hook, Evil Queen, The Witch, the Old-Hag, Ringmaster, card guards, Queen of Hearts, Jiminy Cricket, Blue Fairy, let's play, lp, Disney's Villains' Revenge, video game

25 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

Yahoo MSN Dopey, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Google is Lost in a Sandbox

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Seventy-two canicule ago showed up and aboriginal Googlebot crawled over
250 pages of a cast new area in an agreement that has had an
odd cartoonish appearance to it, area alien things with appear
with the lead aphotic, a foreboding affectionate of Fantasia online.

If you're the alien with the Disney classic Fantasia, action,
Mickey Mouse plays a sorcerers ' amateur who wreaks calamity one
evening as he advisers the administration blithely abracadabra baton and destroys the
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taken to beggarly low affection or debasing amateurish in the use of
the name. If I were to analyze the Google to Mickey Mouse, it would
be as Jimmy Carter did, saying, "Mickey Mouse is the attribute of
goodwill, afore anybody abroad does all languages and cultures. aback one sees
Mickey Mouse, they see happiness. "

Source: Wikipedia

Disney Tinkerbell Games

I'd best advance that webmasters see Google the aforementioned way Carter
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Tinkerbell's Google Pixie Dust. The aforementioned is accurate of Sandboxed
web sites.

Yahoo MSN Dopey, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Google is Lost in a Sandbox

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How continued Mickey?

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plain Goofy.

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number 100, which shows 3,140 pages and STILL you can't be
look above the after-effects of 100-1,000 pagesresults.

Very Dopey, Goofy and actual actual Mickey Mouse!

Copyright © July 26, 2005

Yahoo MSN Dopey, Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Google is Lost in a Sandbox

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Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue Review

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Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy RescueLooking Reasonable Price For

Tinkerbell was a little too curious about humans. She got too close and was captured by a little girl. Now her fairy friends fly to the mainland on their latest adventure....the Great Fairy Rescue! Join Tink to learn lessons about friendship; and find out how their new human friends learn to stop doubting and just believe!

Recommended Ages: 5 - 7 years

and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue review

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue 

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue Technical Details
  • Fully animated Disney Fairies story with story narration, Tinker Bell and Vidia character voices, vivid graphics and exciting sounds and music
  • Based on the 2010 Disney Fairies movie "Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue"
  • Includes 3 ways to play: Watch the story, reading games and story dictionary
  • 8 Reading games teach skills such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, phonics, grammar and more
  • Story dictionary teaches vocabulary words found in the story


Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue : details



Tinkerbell was a little too curious about humans. She got too close and was captured by a little girl. Now her fairy friends fly to the mainland on their latest adventure....the Great Fairy Rescue! Join Tink to learn lessons about friendship; and find out how their new human friends learn to stop doubting and just believe!

Recommended Ages: 5 - 7 years


Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue Overviews

Tinkerbell was a little too curious about humans. She got too close and was captured by a little girl. Now her fairy friends fly to the mainland on their latest adventure....the Great Fairy Rescue! Join Tink to learn lessons about friendship; and find out how their new human friends learn to stop doubting and just believe!

Recommended Ages: 5 - 7 years

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue

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LeapFrog Explorer™ Book App Trailer - Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell's True Talent

To contact us Click HERE
LeapFrog Explorer™ Book App Trailer - Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell's True Talent Video Clips. Duration : 0.68 Mins.

Learn more about LeapFrog Leapster Explorer Apps at bit.ly Join Tinker Bell and friends on adventures that help Tink realize her true talent. Bring reading to life in this eBook based on the popular Tag™ storybook! Leapster Explorer™ is the electronic handheld learning experience that encourages children to discover something new every day with endless ways to play and learn - from games, e-Books, videos, and online play to customizable learning skills and more.
Keywords: Leapster, Leapster Explorer, explorer, learning system, mobile learning system, leapfrog, leapfrog explorer, leapfrog leapster explorer, apps, learning apps, educational apps, downloadable apps, video games, learning games, educational game, educational games, video, videos, online games, mini-games, rewards, educational toy, learning toy, fairies disney fairies disney

Kingdom Hearts Part 72: Who's that Heartless?

To contact us Click HERE
Kingdom Hearts Part 72: Who's that Heartless? Video Clips. Duration : 10.68 Mins.

KINGDOM HEARTS for the PS2. Created by Squaresoft (now Square Enix) and Disney, it contains the 'best' from both worlds. And Epic Story. You can purchase this game from all good game shops. Please rate, comment and enjoy. I do not own ANYTHING in this video APART from my commentary. All copyright goes to their retrospective owners, wether that be Square Enix, Nintendo or Disney. Any and all copyrighted material is used under the fair use act as i make dont intend to, or want to make any profit.
Keywords: Kingdom, Hearts, One, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Destati, Ansem, Disney, Squaresoft, Square, King, Mickey, Heartless, Two, Three, II, III, Awakening, Keyblade, Sword, Dreams, Final, Fantasy, Goofy, Donald, Minnie, Daisy, Castle, Enix, Snow, White, Destiny, Islands, Wakka, Tidus, Zeon, Traverse, Town, Leon, Yuffie, Aries, Arieth, Squall, Cid, Merlin, Fairy, God, Godmother, Queen, of, Wonderland, Alice, Hercules, Phil, Cereburus, Aladin, Jafar, Agrabah, Tarzan, Jasmine, Iago, Malificent, Winnie, the, Pooh, Monstro, Atlantica, Trident, Ursula

Let's Play Disney's Villains' Revenge 06 Worst Villains ever

To contact us Click HERE
Let's Play Disney's Villains' Revenge 06 Worst Villains ever Video Clips. Duration : 14.87 Mins.

only the Witch is actually a good villain
Keywords: Disney, Disney Villians, Snow White, Peter Pan, Dumbo, Alice in Wonderland, Alice, Captain Hook, Evil Queen, The Witch, the Old-Hag, Ringmaster, card guards, Queen of Hearts, Jiminy Cricket, Blue Fairy, let's play, lp, Disney's Villains' Revenge, video game

24 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Hathi Chiti Tales Of India

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As a homeschooling family, we have a ton of books in our home library. I'm always on the hunt for interesting new books to add, which is why I agreed to review a new series called The Hathi Chiti Tales of India Collection. I was intrigued because I really value exposing my kids to other cultures, and we're even doing an Around the World study this year! So these books came at the perfect time.

First off, I know you're wondering what Hathi Chiti means. I know I was curious. Hathi is an Indian word for elephant, and Chiti is an Indian word for ant. As you'll notice, the logo for Hathi Chiti features an elephant and an ant, and they are "best buds" from Indian folklore.

The two books we received to review are In the Indian Night Sky and The Traveller, The Tiger, and the Very Clever Jackal.

The first book, In the Indian Night Sky, is simply stunning. It's printed on black paper with colored ink, which is so unique and beautiful! Since the story is about the night sky it really adds an extra special element to the tale to have the pages printed this way. The book attempts to offer a fun explanation for why people feel positively about the moon, but not so much about the sun and wind. If you're looking for a truly different book to add to your collection this is it.

The second book, The Traveller, the Tiger, and the Very Clever Jackal, is a retelling of an Indian folktale about...you guessed it! A traveller, a tiger who tries to outwit him, and a clever jackal who saves the day. Like most folktales there is a takeaway lesson; you're never too old to wise up!

Other books in the Tales of India Collection are Patnaxi's Crezy Long Journey Home, about the first grain of talking rice imported to the New World and his high seas adventure, and The Unfortunate Tale of Kachuva the Tortoise, about a talkative tortoise who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut!

The books are all available on the Hathi Chiti website, along with other merchandise. You can keep up with Hathi Chiti on Facebook and Twitter.

Keeping it real: I received complementary copies of the two books pictured above for review purposes. All opinions expressed here are my own.

The Mother Goose Club; News And Holiday Specials

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This past Summer I reviewed a super cute Nursery Rhyme DVD on my homeschool blog. It's called Nursery Rhyme Singing Time With Mother Goose Club, and is a combination of animation and live-action singing and rhyming and dancing. My kids still ask to watch it all the time, and the CDs are in our regular rotation as well.

Recently the Mother Goose Club released a free five-minute episode on YouTube and I'm excited to share that with you here! (Subscribers, click through to view the video):

The episode above, Baa Baa's Rhyme Time Bonanza, is included on their DVD, so if your kids liked that short clip you'll definitely want to have the DVD!

Additionally, The Mother Goose Club has released their first holiday video! See if your kids can identify their favorite nursery rhyme characters in this animated rendition of Jingle Bells (Subscribers, click through to view video):

If The Mother Goose Club is on your holiday list you'll want to head over and check out their three holiday specials.

Keeping it real: I was not compensated for this post. I do have an established relationship with The Mother Goose Club, and have received complementary products in the past for review purposes. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Rothschild Winter Jackets For Kids

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Admittedly we don't often need heavy jackets here in The South. But every so often we do. And since we visit family further north, we happen to have snow gear for all of us. Last year we were introduced to the Rothschild brand with a fabulous winter jacket for Aiden. Thankfully we took it with us on our trip north, because we ended up being snowed in for almost a week. The temps were in the teens and we ended up with a ton of snow for the kids to play in.
 Yes, he's wearing pink gloves. We realized at the literal last minute that he didn't have any gloves....and those were the only ones we could find down here. Anyway. Aiden's Rothschild jacket kept him warm and dry the entire time we romped in the snow. I was really impressed with how well it held up.

This year we were fortunate enough to receive another Rothschild jacket. This time Miss Savannah was the recipient, and she has fallen in love with her Funky Color Block Active Jacket.
Once again I am impressed with the attention to detail in Rothschild jackets. The detachable hood is a fabulous feature here in The South, since our weather often fluctuates from hour to hour. The adjustable wrist openings are also super great, so I can make the sleeves nice and snug to hopefully prevent any snow getting in there. This particular jacket has three pockets, but none of them are zippered. I would have liked to see at least one zippered pocket, just in case the child needs to carry money or something. The jacket is nice and thick and I think will keep the cold out pretty well. It's wind and water resistant too.
This style came with a matching scarf and hat, which was a nice added touch.

If you're in the market for a kid's jacket, I encourage you to stop by Rothschild and see what they have to offer. Not only do they carry active jackets like the one pictured above, but they also have dress coats and snowsuits. And for a limited time save 50% with code SAVE50 at checkout! That's an AMAZING savings!

Keep up with Rothschild on Facebook to be notified of any future promotions!

Keeping it real: We received the jacket pictured above for review purposes. All opinions expressed here are my own.

Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers Vegetables With Pasta (GIVEAWAY CLOSED!)

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I cook almost every night. Since I'm always cooking, I like to make it easy on myself from time to time. I'm not too big on most convenience foods, but some of them have become staples in our house. One such staple are the frozen bags of veggies you can microwave in their bag, like Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers. It really doesn't get any easier than grabbing a bag from the freezer, throwing it in the microwave, and having a great veggie side dish in about five minutes.

The latest additions to the Valley Fresh Steamers line are vegetables with pasta! The two varieties are Macaroni and Cheese Sauce with Broccoli (classic elbow pasta and broccoli in a cheese sauce) and Pasta and Vegetables with Alfredo Sauce (corkscrew pasta with carrots and broccoli in a savory Alfredo sauce). We tried the macaroni and cheese flavor, and it was really tasty! The pasta was the perfect texture and the cheese sauce was in nice proportion to the broccoli. I think it would also make a great lunch if you were pressed for time!

Keep up with Green Giant on their website or Facebook page.

*********************WIN IT!!!**********************
Winner has been notified. Thanks to all who entered!

One of you will win a great prize pack including the following items: two Green Giant placemats, broccoli stress reliever, 32 oz. serving bowl, surprise face serving spoon, and a VIP coupon for the Valley Fresh Steamers with Pasta.

To enter, leave a comment letting me know what you like to add to veggies to make them more appealing to your family.

Comments will close at midnight EST December 19, 2011. A winner will be randomly selected and notified via e-mail on December 20, 2011. Winner will have 48-hours to claim their prize. If not claimed, prize will be considered forfeited and a new winner will be selected. Open to US addresses only, please.

Keeping it real: My family received the prize pack pictured above for review purposes. Disclosure: Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers with Pasta, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.

Sam's Club and Chex Mix for the Holidays (GIVEAWAY CLOSED)

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Who doesn't love Chex Mix? Well, okay...I don't. At least not the traditional kind. BUT! There are so many other varieties and other things to do with Chex that I do love! Like Muddy Buddies...Mmmmmmm I love those!

Sam's Club and Chex want to let you know that there are a TON of different ways to spice up your Chex Mix. They have an interesting idea they're calling a Sam´s Club Chex Party Mix-Change. It's like a cookie swap...but with Chex Mix! Sam's Club has everything you'll need for your party. And since most Chex Mix recipes can be made in fifteen minutes or so, you'll have more time to actually enjoy your party and guests!

Here is all you need to know to host a fabulous Sam's Club Chex Party Mix-Change:
  • Set the date and spread the word. Announce your Chex Party Mix-Change using some of these festive invites.
  • Mix it up. Use these mouth-watering Chex recipe cards including Chex Pumpkin Pie Crunch and Hot Buttered Yum Chex Mix and this shopping list to make party prep a snap.
  • Share the fun. Use some of these easy tips & tricks to add some extra flare to your party and check out some of the packaging ideas so your guests don´t go home empty handed.

Visit ChexPartyMixChange.com for even more party-planning tips and be sure to also check out Sam´s Club, your one stop Chex spot that has everything you need to throw a Chex Party Mix-Change!

Our schedule doesn't allow us time to host a party, but I sure to plan to make some Chex Mix for our holiday road trips! I think it would even make a great Christmas Eve snack! I'm leaning towards the Chex Peanut Butter and Chocolate Blast!. Which sound good to you?

******************************WIN IT!!!*************************************
Winner has been notified. Thanks to all who entered!

One of you will win a prize pack that will get you well on your way to hosting your own party. You'll win a $25 Sam's Club gift card and a big Sam's Club size box of Chex.

To enter, leave a comment letting me know your favorite thing to do with Chex.

Comments will close at midnight EST December 20, 2011. A winner will be randomly selected and notified on December 21, 2011. Winner will have 48-hours to claim their prize. If not claimed, prize will be considered to be forfeited and a new winner will be selected. Open to US addresses only, please.

Keeping it real: We received the prize pack pictured above for review purposes. Disclosure: The Sam´s Club gift card, information, and giveaway have been provided by Sam´s Club, Chex Party Mix and General Mills through MyBlogSpark.

23 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

DVD Review: 'The Garfield Show: Summer Adventures'

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It's almost summertime, and our orange pal Garfield is back in mischievous action. The Garfield Show: Summer Adventures, from Vivendi Entertainment, hit shelves May 29, and CC and I got a chance to check out what the ornery cat has planned for poor Jon, Odie and some other neighborhood friends.

The DVD (SRP: $14.93) sports six episodes plus one bonus episode, and CC's and my favorite is the first one, Perfect Pizza. There's a surprisingly sly tone to a lot of these episodes, making light of issues such as corporate greed and aggressive TV sales pitches that are most likely disguising a product's ineffectiveness.

OK, so CC didn't really get that part of it, but it was definitely on my mind, especially in the pizza episode. A local pizza restaurant, Vito's, is almost displaced by a huge chain that's offering 12-for-1 pies. Of course, our feline friend has one taste of Mama Meany's pizza and would have spat it out had it not been too rubbery to even bite. Next, Garfield and Jon are on a mission to help Vito win his customers back, with the inadvertent help of a famous food critic.

Let's just say, hooray for the little guy!

Garfield shows his especially mischievous side in Mailman Blues. The put-upon regular mailman can't begin his vacation fast enough when Garfield decides to torment his replacement, a young letter carrier who thinks he can best the lasagna-loving cat. First Garfield lures him in with love and then proceeds to embark on a multistep plan to drive him bonkers.

There were some fun hijinks in that episode, at the expense, of course, of a guy who's new on the job and new to the determination of a usually lazy cat.

Garfield's summertime adventures proved to be great fun for CC and a silly break as the school year is about to end (but that's another story).

2012 LA Film Festival: 'Birth Story' Review

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To tell you the truth, I didn't know much about midwives before watching Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives, which world premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival on Saturday.

But after checking out this thoughtful and thought-provoking documentary by directors Sara Lamm and Mary Wigmore, I became fascinated with the idea of having your baby at home, surrounded by women (and your husband) who were caring, gentle and affirming. These midwives were carrying out the ideal set forth by the founder of this modern birth alternative, Ina May Gaskin, who said that Rule No. 1 in the delivery room should always be "Be nice."

Gaskin founded this movement in the early 1970s after going through her own delivery with her daughter and not being impressed with the process, to say the least. She objected to the hyper-clinical attitude that seemed to almost take the mother and her considerations out of the picture entirely. She was not -- and still isn't -- a fan of forceps, induction or Caesarean sections, saying that women should feel confident that they can do this without the surgery or the potentially harmful instruments. (Our bodies are not lemons, as she says.)

That said, midwives don't discount medical science entirely (which, admittedly, was what I had thought before watching the film). If things start to go awry, it's the midwife's job to call an ambulance and get help.

Wigmore and Lamm do not shy away from the birthing process, chronicling two present-day births (one in a tub of water at home, no less) while also making great use of archival footage from births at the Farm, a commune started by Gaskin and her husband, Stephen, in rural Tennessee.

They also did a beautiful job of capturing Gaskin's no-nonsense personality. Living a modest rural existence, she speaks her mind with humor and a knowing sense of the fast-moving modern world.

But for me watching children come into the world, while their mothers were being encouraged, cuddled and supported, was simply breathtaking. It was calm, it was peaceful, and I couldn't help but see the appeal.

Read my interview with Ina May Gaskin and Mary Wigmore.

There will be another screening of Birth Story on Friday, June 22 at 7:30 p.m. at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live. Tickets are $13.

If Kunal Nayyar Likes Milky Way Ice Cream Bars ...

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Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) and the Milky Way Ice Cream Truck

With tomorrow being the official start of summer, I thought it would be a great time to talk about ice cream bars and Kunal Nayyar, who stars on one of my favorite TV shows, The Big Bang Theory.

A couple of weeks ago, Milky Way launched its new ice cream bar in a super-cool way. They brought a mod ice cream truck down to the California Science Center and gave out Milky Way Ice Cream Bars to no-doubt ice-cream-hungry fans. Kunal joined the party and indulged in some sweet treats himself.

While CC and I weren't able to make it (I was at work), I still got the chance to talk to Kunal over the phone.

Check out what he had to say about ice cream, his show and getting girls to like science! And, in case you're wondering, he doesn't really sound like Raj Koothrappali. (Bummer.)

L.A. Story: What brought you to Milky Way?
Kunal Nayyar: They called me, and of course it makes sense because it's called Milky Way, and I play an astrophysicist on television. And I came down, I tried this ice cream bar, and I loved it right away.

L.A. Story: As far as your show, do you have to hone your science skills for your character, or are you just acting, playing a part?
Kunal Nayyar: Yeah, I mean of course I'm playing a part. I can't even pretend to be as smart as my character because he has a PhD in astrophysics.

L.A. Story: And he has a very big desk!
Kunal Nayyar: He does have a very Brobdingnagian desk. But sometimes we'll be saying stuff and we won't get it, but we have a science consultant, who's a real professor at UCLA, so we ask him a bunch of questions.

L.A. Story: There are lots of smart female characters on The Big Bang Theory. What do you think are some ways to help show girls that science is a great path?
Kunal Nayyar: That's a good question. What do young girls like to do? They like to listen to music -- maybe if there's a boy band full of nerds?

L.A. Story: Did you do science projects when you were in school?

Kunal Nayyar: Growing up mainly in India, in school, we had science projects, but we never had to dissect anything, which is really good. I was never a big science guy. I liked math, I liked numbers, I was a math guy but I never liked science that much. I liked English literature and math, but science always puzzled me.

L.A. Story: If you had family in town with kids, where would you take them in L.A.?

Kunal Nayyar: I would go to Runyon Canyon to see the view, I'd take them to the Griffith Observatory, the Getty Villa and the Self-Realization Fellowship in Malibu.

L.A. Story: Do you have any projects coming up?
Kunal Nayyar: Ice Age 4: Continental Drift. That comes out in July.

It was great talking to Kunal ... and, of course, now I feel like having ice cream.

Coming Attraction: 'Brave'

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Saying CC is excited about seeing the upcoming Disney*Pixar movie Brave, which screened at the L.A. Film Festival and opens wide June 22, would be like saying donuts are only kind of awesome.

She's crazy excited. My child has been practically counting the days.

And I can't blame her. I'm excited, too, but for different reasons. I love Pixar (and Disney), but I have to say that it's about time they made a film that has a girl front and center. Of course, CC loved Wall*E, Toy Story, Cars and Up, but now I can see that she's really making this movie her own.

In fact, last week when my mom was in town for CC's graduation, she bought CC a little Merida costume that looks like the one the main character wears in the movie. Not only that, but CC insisted that we call her Merida, the red-haired lass pictured above, for an entire day.

The response was nothing like that when she saw the other films -- and she hasn't even seen this one yet!

Brave is the story of Merida, a young bow-and-arrow-friendly girl who lives in the Scottish Highlands and defies a sacred custom of her culture. This move is apparently a big no-no and throws the kingdom into chaos. Things don't get better when Merida is granted an "ill-fated wish" that turns into a curse she must somehow break. Cue bravery.

I'm looking forward to taking CC to Brave this weekend. It's showing in theaters across the city as well as at the El Capitan, where there will be a live stage show before the movie.

Hopefully, it won't encourage CC to defy her own mother and, say, not clean up her toys. Chaos would definitely ensue.

LA Film Festival Interview: Mary Wigmore and Ina May Gaskin from 'Birth Story'

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Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives
Last week I had the chance to check out the Los Angeles Film Festival entry Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives, directed by Sara Lamm and Mary Wigmore. (Read my review here.)

I also had the chance to speak with director Mary Wigmore and Ina May Gaskin, and I wanted to share my interview here. They were both down-to-earth, funny and, like me, in total awe of the birthing process. As a bonus, I found out that Wigmore has one 4-year-old son and is pregnant with her second child. How fitting!

L.A. Story: Mary, what brought you to this film? Why now?

Mary Wigmore: I became interested in Ina May as I read her book Spiritual Midwifery when I was pregnant with my son, and I found that the book made me feel less afraid. It made childbirth seem like a great adventure and part of life, rather than something to be feared. And I feel like her books are great examples of how the power of positive stories can be so helpful for people vs. stories based in fear.

(Sara and I) were introduced to Ina May, and I felt like when I read her books and when I was pregnant, I was sort of searching out for the documentary about her and it didn't exist. And there was just this luck of meeting her, and there was no film about her, and we just decided to go to Tennessee and interview her.

L.A. Story: Were there any surprises for you while you were filming?

Mary Wigmore: We filmed two births, so it was sort of tricky going there because we live in Los Angeles. And waiting around for births, we felt like we were midwives or got a feeling of what it would be like to be on call all the time. That was surprising how every time the phone would ring, you'd sort of jump up and get ready to go. There were sleepless nights, wondering when that call would come.

The two births that we filmed were seamless and very calm. There were no complications whatsoever, so in terms of surprises that way, no. ... The big surprise is how the majority of births are uncomplicated, and through love and kindness, these women are able to have babies in a calm, sweet environment, where they feel supported, and I think that's more of a surprise to know that that can happen at the Farm and, obviously, elsewhere.

L.A. Story: Had you seen someone else give birth before filming the documentary?

Mary Wigmore: No, it was thrilling. We were nervous when we were shooting. You're one step back, and we were right there. We had a physical reaction -- I was shaking, I was excited. It was so beautiful and amazing to see.

L.A. Story: Ina May, what are some misconceptions (so to speak) about home births and midwifery?

Ina May Gaskin: Everybody likes to set it up as an opposition. Everybody should have their babies at home, or everybody should have their babies at a hospital. In an ideal system, you have the option of both of those. We're not trying to get rid of hospital births. The home birth rate is 1%, and we're arguing whether 1% can exist, when there are quite a few women that don't have long enough labors to even get to a hospital.

Women need to have the option of home birth. It makes a lot of sense if you're Amish. I mean, how are you going to harness up your horse and get your buggy ready to get to the hospital on your 10th labor? Are we going to criminalize your culture because home birth is a necessity? Or if you're one of these fast birthers? Or someone who has agoraphobia? It should be a choice. If it's not a choice, guess who does some births -- truck drivers. If you Google 'truck drivers' and 'childbirth,' you're going to find out that there are a bunch of truck drivers who carry birth kits with them.

Having home births be part of an acceptable choice means that this is the laboratory where midwives who attend home births, we learn things from women. No matter how old we are or how many births we've attended, some woman is going to come along and teach us something new. It's sad to say, but hospital guidelines have become almost like rules or laws now to where you can't bring new elements of practice in very easily that are brilliant because everything is so frozen.

(Midwifery) is a kind of laboratory for innovation and rediscovery of ancient skills. ... We don't want to become more ignorant as we go, we want to keep learning as we go.

L.A. Story: Did you ever consider getting your medical degree and becoming a doctor?

Ina May Gaskin: *laughs* No, no, no! I was actually crowned obstetrician in 1999 when I'd given a grand rounds lecture at the University of Florida at Gainesville. The head of the department there said the technique I taught him was a message from God because it had saved this baby's life. ...

He brought me over to the lectern, and he put the baseball cap on me that said OB-GYN on it. So I'll take that.

The final festival screening of Birth Story will be tonight at 7:20 p.m. at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live. Tickets are $13 and available at the door only.

21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue Review

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Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy RescueLooking Reasonable Price For

Tinkerbell was a little too curious about humans. She got too close and was captured by a little girl. Now her fairy friends fly to the mainland on their latest adventure....the Great Fairy Rescue! Join Tink to learn lessons about friendship; and find out how their new human friends learn to stop doubting and just believe!

Recommended Ages: 5 - 7 years

and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue review

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue 

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue Technical Details
  • Fully animated Disney Fairies story with story narration, Tinker Bell and Vidia character voices, vivid graphics and exciting sounds and music
  • Based on the 2010 Disney Fairies movie "Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue"
  • Includes 3 ways to play: Watch the story, reading games and story dictionary
  • 8 Reading games teach skills such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, phonics, grammar and more
  • Story dictionary teaches vocabulary words found in the story


Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue : details



Tinkerbell was a little too curious about humans. She got too close and was captured by a little girl. Now her fairy friends fly to the mainland on their latest adventure....the Great Fairy Rescue! Join Tink to learn lessons about friendship; and find out how their new human friends learn to stop doubting and just believe!

Recommended Ages: 5 - 7 years


Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue Overviews

Tinkerbell was a little too curious about humans. She got too close and was captured by a little girl. Now her fairy friends fly to the mainland on their latest adventure....the Great Fairy Rescue! Join Tink to learn lessons about friendship; and find out how their new human friends learn to stop doubting and just believe!

Recommended Ages: 5 - 7 years

Vtech - V.Reader Software - Disney's Fairies - Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue

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Where To Buy ItemBrand} 712725004880 Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell Low Price

To contact us Click HERE
Disney Fairies: TinkerbellLooking Reasonable Price For

Tinker Bell's biggest fans can get creative by customizing her outfits with over 100 unique combinations of dresses and accessories. Once decked out, players will be challenged by a variety of mini-games, including ladybug painting and dewdrop catching. DS, Disney Interactive, E. and then update cheapest prices immediately. Limited time Only!

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell review

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell 

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell Technical Details
  • Includes Disney's DGamer service, the all new online community exclusively for Disney gamers.
  • Explore the beautiful world of Pixie Hollow and watch it transform during special events, holidays and birthdays.
  • Create and customize over 100 unique dresses, outfits and accessories for Tinker Bell, then start trends by gifting outfits to friends and watch as Pixie Hollow becomes filled with fairies dressed in those outfits.
  • Engage in challenging and fun mini-games, such as catching dew drops, painting ladybugs and tickling silkworms, and increase friend meter by interacting, playing and sharing with other fairies.
  • Trade clothing creations and play games with friends via 2-player Nintendo Wi-Fi multiplayer support.


Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell : details


[if Tinker Bell's biggest fans can get creative by customizing her outfits with over 100 unique combinations of dresses and accessories. Once decked out, players will be challenged by a variety of mini-games, including ladybug painting and dewdrop catching. DS, Disney Interactive, E.]

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell Overviews

Tinker Bell's biggest fans can get creative by customizing her outfits with over 100 unique combinations of dresses and accessories. Once decked out, players will be challenged by a variety of mini-games, including ladybug painting and dewdrop catching. DS, Disney Interactive, E.

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell Specifications

Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell is an action game for Nintendo DS and DSi based in the fantasy on Disney's Disney Fairies franchise. Play as the beloved Tinker Bell as you discover the mystical world of Pixie Hollow, help all your fairy friends prepare the seasons and create and customize over 100 dresses and accessories. The game includes 2-player multiplayer support via a Nintendo Wi-Fi connection and free access to Disney's DGamer online service.

Character stats and status screen from Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell
Enter the fairy world of Tinker Bell.
Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell for Nintendo DS and DSi allows girls to use their stylus to fly around and explore the beautiful world of Pixie Hollow as the beloved Tinker Bell. Players can fully customize Tinker Bell’s wardrobe and accessories to create trendsetting and fashionable looks. Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell also allows girls to interact with dozens of Disney Fairies, including Silvermist, Iridessa and Fawn, and explore Pixie Hollow through time-based activities and mini-quests. Players are able to barter and trade items they’ve collected for new materials, clothing and accessories to add their wardrobe. In addition, the game utilizes the DS real-time clock, so environments will reflect time of year or time of day. Girls will witness snow falling in the winter time, fireflies coming out at night and Fairies wearing costumes on Halloween.

Disney's DGamer Service
Offered free with Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell, DGamer is Disney's online community that utilizes the Wi-Fi capabilities of your Nintendo DS to allow you to connect with other Disney gamers across North America. Through the DGamer community players can create their own identity via an avatar, chat about games, unlock unique collectibles, collect virtual currency and track leaderboard stats. You also have the ability to "gift" items collected in the game to your friends.

Key Game Features

  • Explore the beautiful world of Pixie Hollow and watch it transform during special events, holidays and birthdays.
  • Create and customize over 100 unique dresses, outfits and accessories for Tinker Bell.
  • Create trends by gifting outfits to friends and watch as Pixie Hollow becomes filled with fairies dressed in those outfits.
  • Engage in challenging and fun mini-games, such as catching dew drops, painting ladybugs and tickling silkworms.
  • Increase friend meter by interacting, playing and sharing with other fairies.
  • Trade clothing creations and play games with friends via 2-player Nintendo Wi-Fi multiplayer support.
  • Includes Disney's DGamer service, the all new online community exclusively for Disney gamers.
Creating the seasons in Pixie Hollow in Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell
Explore Pixie Hollow.
View larger.
Character customization screen in Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell
In-game customization.
View larger.
Lady bug painting mini-game in Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell
Mini-game fun.
View larger.
Making friends with in-game character Fawn in Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell
Make new friends.
View larger.

Disney Fairies: Tinkerbell

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